Thursday, August 11, 2011

Inside The Entrepreneur's Brain

Have you ever wondered what's inside the brain of an entrepreneur? Associate Professor Sarasvathy from University of Virginia's Darden Business School conducted a research on the subject. The following conclusion concludes the distinction between an entrepreneur and the worker types

"Sarasvathy concluded that master entrepreneurs rely on what she calls effectual reasoning. Brilliant improvisers, the entrepreneurs don't start out with concrete goals. Instead, they constantly assess how to use their personal strengths and whatever resources they have at hand to develop goals on the fly, while creatively reacting to contingencies. By contrast, corporate executives—those in the study group were also enormously successful in their chosen field—use causal reasoning. They set a goal and diligently seek the best ways to achieve it. Early indications suggest the rookie company founders are spread all across the effectual-to-causal scale. But those who grew up around family businesses will more likely swing effectual, while those with MBAs display a causal bent."

effectual reasoning : Given a set of means and allows goals to emerge contingently over time from the varied imagination and diverse aspirations of the founders and the people they interact with.

Grindstone Lobes
What bothers them the most are the infinite thoughts of what has to be done.

Setting their sights on that Maserati Gran Turismo to going for an elite first class holidays. The goals are always extraordinary and differ from the normal Just Obey Bosses people. No dream of theirs is impossible

Ahead of The Curve
They don't follow the crowd and they don't do what most people would do. Belonging to the 1% of the total population they give thoughts, long considerations and observations on trends. Two words, 'truly unique'

Creativity Sphere
Ideas keep spitting out from their minds. Given a problem they will definitely find an opportunity. This engine simultaneously keeps running on steroids.

Power Pondering
Always giving that perfect sales pitch. The obsession of giving a lasting impression. Toastmasters Elites.

Gadget Ganglion
Device savy and willing to go great lengths to own it.

Brain Stalk
Tired, Tomorrow, Lazy and Fear were never in their dictionary. No mental block causing analysis paralysis. Guts to act take them where normal people wouldn't go.

Richard Branson Envy Nodule
Richard Branson Kingdom and his quote is their divine pledge, "My interest in life comes from setting myself huge, apparently unachievable challenges and trying to rise above them...from the perspective of wanting to live life to the full, I felt that I had to attempt it.

They see that teachers are teaching bullshit in school. A formal education do not suit their paradigm. The word 'risky' is in violation of the education system.

Dow Jonesing
Squeezing out juice from information that matters til they are satisfied. DJIA, S&P500, NASDAQ are part of their vocabulary and they put financial planners to shame.

M. I. A.
The thing they would find fascinating and charming to talk about is the power of trial and error and the importance of mistakes. Spending no time to think about failure, their fear receptors are turned off. It was never illustrated in their mind to begin with.

I think, Therefore I am... The Best
Confidence is key. They were never born but trained to think that no challenges are impossible. Ordinary people will think that it was their ballooning ego but that is not the case. Their level of confidence are misunderstood as normally this substance was never given much thought. Their ego is an improvised challenge to themselves which strike their awakening ability, an engine to deliver maximum results.

Opinion From The Bottom of My Heart
It is delayed gratification through a noble undertaking. Those are the perfect words to describe it. It puts a test on your people's skill, management, emotional, psychological, intelligence of improvisation and never quit attitude. All these tests will eventually bring the best of you and you will discover that this world is limitless. The start is the most difficult part and if you truly believe there will be light at the end of the tunnel, getting emotionally prepared is the best advise. You will have to accept that what you are doing is something no ordinary person would do. Losing moral support from friends, families and rejection from the society is part of the test. One way of surviving through the whole ordeal is to believe in yourself and your passion. Once you reach the pot of gold over the rainbow, you will discover that it isn't so much of the fortune. It is about achieving more than what you initially thought you are capable of. Mistakes and disappointments are necessary. This is a true discovery of human spirit. Normal people would realize that it's about the money, well in fact if you are an entrepreneur yourself, a fortune is purely to support life, giving yourself freedom to enjoy the wonders this world offers. In fact, an entrepreneur's perception of life is a mystery. A mystery you have to act on to fully understand...

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