Sunday, August 14, 2011

Inflation Buster

Ever heard if you are lazy on your money, your money will be lazy with you. Many who don't realize especially the baby boomers is that devaluation of hard earned savings is real. Remember when your parents tell you to consistently save up money in the bank, so you can go to University or for your marriage. No doubt, they are basically giving the right advise but there is more to it. About 70% or more of the the working class understands what inflation is. Having the intention to save for the future, they don't understand the effects of inflation.

Simply, whatever you saved up for Marriage function about 10 years ago could possibly be enough  to pay for a Birthday party now. It could be a joke but considerably possible in this decade. Inflation is too many dollars chasing too few goods.  Let's say the inflation rate is 3%, a single can of coke which cost $1 will be $1.03 in a year. You thought that by working so hard and having enough savings to retire comfortably would pay off  but only to realize later that everything around you doubled in price. That speaks out why we see so many senior citizens still working at food court cleaning up tables or collecting tin cans. These people who were born in the industrial age didn't realize that their prospect of spending golden years is still working. Perhaps when they were at their first quarter of their age, during the booming industrial era they did not have diminish thoughts about a safe secure jobs. Unfortunately, they gave the same advise to their children about money. At this information age, giving such industrial age advise is costly.

Getting informed is the best hedge against an uncertain future. That is the reason why, my daily racing thoughts are published in this blog for sharing. I do not have a formal education on economics, business and finance but setbacks in my life have encouraged me to attain every knowledge through books, experiences and learning from failure. Everybody is free to post questions and I will try my best to answer or perhaps spare a thought to build a substantial and fundamental discussion on economics, business and finance. I hope this platform serve as an information exchange vault.

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